January 23, 2013

Happy 40th Anniversary, Baby.

So if you haven’t seen this video yet, I suggest you take the 1 minute 43 seconds to watch it.

Now feel free to be disturbed. Repulsed. Angry. Sad. Disheartened. Confused. Now back to angry.

When I first watched this video, I was all of these emotions, plus more. How could anyone, even a pro-choicer, celebrate the death of 55 million children? Does he not realize that abortion in the number one killer of African Americans? How dare he sexualize the very serious and impactful decision of any woman who gets an abortion? It’s offensive, playing off the decision of abortion as something to be taken lightly or joked around about. So much so that even many pro-choicers are offended by it.

But what bothered me even more is when I went to Mehcad Brook (the man featured in the video)’s facebook page.  These are the comments I saw:

This was more disheartening than the ad itself. See, I expect it from the pro-choice side. I expect that they don’t realize what exactly they are promoting or the seriousness of the issue. This is not something that surprises me anymore.

But seeing these comments from those who claim to be pro-life? It’s depressing. I think it’s one of the biggest problems in the cause. Why on earth would you suggest that anyone deserves to be aborted? Nobody deserves that. Why, if you claim to be pro-life, would you suggest that someone go kill themself? Referring to someone as a “worthless waste of human tissue” is definitely not going to win them over.

I understand the anger. I understand the disgust. But hate the sin, not the sinner. The only way that we can persuade others is through love. Not vilifying them for a video made in poor taste, no matter how offensive it may be.

"The sword of the peaceful warrior is love." -Gary Amirault

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