July 14, 2013

Love Thy Enemy

 So this past week while in Texas in support of the pro-life bill, I interacted with and saw many pro-choicers. Their actions and behavior were unbelievable and mostly indescribable. I have never quite experienced the vitriol and hate that I saw this past week.

18 jars of feces and urine, a brick, and ‘glitter bomb’ tampons were all confiscated from prochoicers.

A prochoicer shoved a guy in our group, hard enough that the batteries came flying out of his camera and he fell back into someone else who fell into me.

Prochoicers chanted “Hail Satan” and “Pro-life, your name’s a lie, you don’t care if women die.”

A prochoice woman told me that obviously the only reason that I was pro-life was because a man had told me to be pro-life and that my entire life was controlled by men.

Prochoicers poured red paint on themselves and chained themselves to the Senate gallery.

A prochoicer had her young daughter hold up a sign that said “If I wanted the government in my uterus, I’d f*** a senator.”

I cannot even count the number of times that I was flipped off or had vulgarities screamed at me.

A prochoice man held up a sign that said “No rape babies” while the girl right next to him had a sign that said “Jesus isn’t a dick so keep him out of my vagina.”

The prochoicers called themselves “The Unruly Mob” and when even NARAL and Planned Parenthood told them to leave the Capitol, they chanted “hell no, we won’t go.”

Allegedly, a prochoicer was found outside the Capitol with a semi-automatic rifle.

You know what these people are working so hard for? The right to kill their child. They can veil their intentions by saying they want the right to women’s health care or the right to choose or they are fighting for women’s reproductive health. But ultimately, they are fighting for the right to end the lives of the most defenseless and vulnerable.

I feel bad for these people. I looked at them, and past the screaming and vulgarities, I saw women and men who were deeply hurting. The old woman screaming “bastards” to all the legislators. The young teenage girl who had tears rolling down her face. The man who angrily told me that I had no right to be here.

I did not and do not harbor any resentment or hatred towards these people. I made a point of smiling at each person in an orange shirt when they walked by. Because these people are not going to be persuaded by a set of logical arguments. They were not here for rational debate. The only way to reach these people is through their hearts. Because I could tell that they felt hopeless. They felt trapped. They were fighting so bitterly. 
These people need love. My heart ached to reach out to them. To be able to offer them the comfort and healing that they need. But I know that was not my role at that time. So I prayed. I prayed that God touch each and every one of their hearts that they might be converted. That they might be able to recognize the love and forgiveness of the Almighty.

What we as prolifers need to do is have faith. I may not have witnessed a conversion while I was at the Texas Capitol, but I believe that many of those orange shirts will one day turn blue. We need to be open and accepting to all people so that when people are converted, they are welcomed with open arms. Because they will need love, not condemnation. Imagine realizing that for 5, 10, or even 50 years, you advocated for the deaths of millions. The guilt could be enough to destroy anyone, so we need to be there, waiting, with a loving embrace. Think of the amazing conversion story of Abby Johnson. What if the Coalition for Life had not been welcoming and loving? We need to follow the example set before us and love all, but especially love our enemies, even when it seems hardest. 


  1. So I have just spent time I pretty much don't have reading your blog. And wow. The lack of empathy for people who aren't like you, the lies, the the white privilege are pretty jaw dropping. So you sit there in condemnation of the pro choice movement because it makes you feel better, and I, a pro choice, white woman of privilege will work to make sure that all women have access to health care and the dignity of respect for their choices.

    "I think in many cases your morality is deeply lacking if all you want is a child born, but not a child fed, not a child educated, not a child housed. That's not pro-life, that's pro birth" Sr. Joan Chittister

  2. Wow. ^ I wonder if we read the same blog. It seems there is only empathy for the pro-choicers. In the face of some fairly serious aggressive and violent actions, the blogger remains loving. And, if you read the blog series, your quote from Sr. Chittister is quite appropriate. The bloggers advocate change in the system so woman are supported to feed, educate, and house these children and don't feel like they have "no choice" but to abort their children. The bill they were supporting tries to ensure health care for those who choose to abort by avoiding Gosnell-type situations which are, unfortunately, much too common because of lack of oversight and regulation.

  3. I await the blog post about the immorality of Rick Perry's sister who stands to make MILLIONS of dollars because of this bill. Why? She operates ambulatory care centers.

    I await the blog posts where the author covers her protesting the removal of SNAP benefits from the farm bill

    I await a blog post where the author covers her protesting the lack of expansion of Medicaid in TX.

    Because all those things are you know, actually about supporting people who are outside of a uterus. Because being pro-life means supporting people, not just fetuses. Fetuses are pretty uncomplicated. People, on the other hand, are complicated, and have real needs that need to be addressed.

    It is nonsense like this why I left the Catholic Church. It's because the concern for people stops after people are born.

  4. Michele, you take straw man arguments to a whole 'nother level.

    Your perception of the Catholic pro-life movement is that of a group of people who care only that a child is born. While your description undoubtedly probably catches a few weirdos out there, this generalization couldn't be farther from the truth.

    The Catholic Church and Catholic organizations remain the number one source of poverty relief in the world. That alone should demonstrate the genuine concern the Catholic pro-life community has for persons post-birth. If you had an accurate understanding of Catholic social justice teaching in general, you'd realize that all of it revolves around the dignity of every individual, from conception to natural death.

    Why do you make such an inaccurate generalization of pro-lifers? You claim it is because Erin has not posted about every topic imaginable that pertains to the issue. By this logic, anybody who hasn't written about genocide implicitly supports it, anyone who hasn't written about race issues is racist, every person who hasn't written about child molestation is an abuse advocate, et cetera. If you want to know about Rick Perry and his sister, go look for an article about them. Erin's omission of the topic in no way invalidates what she has written here.

    Erin, thank you for this piece. I think it is important for everyone on each side to recognize that the other likely does not hold their position due to malice, and some certainly need a reminder that demonizing each other won't get us anywhere. We need to accept each other as humans no matter how unacceptable we may find their beliefs.
