January 27, 2013

What You Can Learn from Unborn Babies

Most of my stress comes from things I need to do. Homework, club meetings, social activities, laundry, and emails, to name just a few. Not a day goes by when I don't wish I could do more. And under the pressure of deadlines and due dates, I can start to question myself. Why am I not more productive? Why didn't I accomplish more? Why am I not faster, smarter, more effective in my tasks?

I don't want to let anyone down. I want to prove myself - to show that I can do a good job, that I can handle all of it, that I CAN do it all. And then I even start to wish I could do more - I see all the amazing things my friends are doing, and I start to wish I could do those things, too.

I've spent years fighting to show the world that unborn babies are full human beings - whole, complete, worthy of being protected and loved. But you know what? Unborn babies - they have yet to DO anything. And what I have been seeking to show the world is that they are just as valuable as all of us who are born, running around the world DOING things.

The Truth
The heart of the Pro-Life message is that people aren't valued for what they DO - for what they accomplish or achieve or "contribute." We are not the sum of out abilities. We are SO MUCH MORE than whatever we "do" or don't do. That is why if someone is born with different abilities, or when an elderly person's abilities begin to diminish, their value does not!

Live the Message
I can't do it all. And in fact, I don't need to do anything to be what I want most - loved. This is the Pro-Life message: we are not human doings, we are human beings, and we are each worthy of life and love. Our value is inherent in our  mere existence, and our presence alone is valuable because we exist as part of the larger human family.  I am loved the same regardless of what I do or do not "accomplish."
It takes a lot of humility to let this sink in. To realize that we are no more valuable than someone with different intellectual or physical capacities, than an elderly person with deteriorating abilities or memory, than a child waiting even to be born.  It forces us to recognize that all the things we do, or don't do, and regardless of how quickly or efficiently we do them, don't give us value.

The freedom in this realization is that we already have value; we already are loved. And if we are truly Pro-Life, we must live this message. That doesn’t mean blowing off our responsibilities or lying around all day doing nothing. It simply means living each day with joyful recognition that your value is already established, that you are enough, you are loved - just for existing.

January 23, 2013

Happy 40th Anniversary, Baby.

So if you haven’t seen this video yet, I suggest you take the 1 minute 43 seconds to watch it.

Now feel free to be disturbed. Repulsed. Angry. Sad. Disheartened. Confused. Now back to angry.

When I first watched this video, I was all of these emotions, plus more. How could anyone, even a pro-choicer, celebrate the death of 55 million children? Does he not realize that abortion in the number one killer of African Americans? How dare he sexualize the very serious and impactful decision of any woman who gets an abortion? It’s offensive, playing off the decision of abortion as something to be taken lightly or joked around about. So much so that even many pro-choicers are offended by it.

But what bothered me even more is when I went to Mehcad Brook (the man featured in the video)’s facebook page.  These are the comments I saw:

This was more disheartening than the ad itself. See, I expect it from the pro-choice side. I expect that they don’t realize what exactly they are promoting or the seriousness of the issue. This is not something that surprises me anymore.

But seeing these comments from those who claim to be pro-life? It’s depressing. I think it’s one of the biggest problems in the cause. Why on earth would you suggest that anyone deserves to be aborted? Nobody deserves that. Why, if you claim to be pro-life, would you suggest that someone go kill themself? Referring to someone as a “worthless waste of human tissue” is definitely not going to win them over.

I understand the anger. I understand the disgust. But hate the sin, not the sinner. The only way that we can persuade others is through love. Not vilifying them for a video made in poor taste, no matter how offensive it may be.

"The sword of the peaceful warrior is love." -Gary Amirault

March for Life Reflection Prayer

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace;
 Allow me to bring peace to the war on women, the war on life. Allow me to be an example of peace through my own life and at the March.
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Allow me to choose to love those around me, regardless of their stance on abortion. Allow me to see each of these men and women as a whole person made in Your image.
where there is injury, pardon;
Allow me to forgive those who have funded and promoted lies about abortion. Allow me to pray especially for those who feel forced to participate in this tragedy.
where there is doubt, faith;
Allow me to remain faithful in this fight for life. Allow me to trust in Your will and continued presence here with us.
where there is despair, hope;
Allow me to bring hope to the prolife movement. Allow me to be an example of hope in our world for a culture of life and love.
where there is darkness, light;
Allow me to bring light to the darkness surrounding abortion. Allow me to be a light for You to work through and call others to You.
and where there is sadness, joy.
Allow me to bring joy to Washington D.C. and the March for Life. Allow me to recognize each and every day as a gift and to fill each of my days with joy.
-St. Francis of Assisi

January 21, 2013

President Obama

Today is President Obama’s inauguration.

Now, obviously for most pro-lifers this is a less than ideal situation. We did not want the most pro-abortion president to be reelected. We were out campaigning and hoping for a change.

But President Obama was reelected.

This is a fact. Now our decision is what to do about it. You could go in the direction of some pro-lifers and angrily protest his inauguration, running around with pictures of dismembered fetuses. You could be angry and resentful. You could sit and mope and complain about how our country has gone terribly wrong by reelecting such a man.

Or you could look to the future with hope. You could pray that President Obama changes his mind on abortion. Pray that somehow he has a change of heart. I can guarantee to you that seeing graphic images of abortion will not be what sways his opinion. This just creates even deeper division and does not create positive dialogue.

And I believe there is hope. In President Obama’s speech after the horrific shooting in Newton, Connecticut, he said
“And by that measure, can we truly say, as a nation, that we are meeting our obligations? Can we honestly say that we’re doing enough to keep our children -- all of them -- safe from harm? Can we claim, as a nation, that we’re all together there, letting them know that they are loved, and teaching them to love in return? Can we say that we’re truly doing enough to give all the children of this country the chance they deserve to live out their lives in happiness and with purpose?”
Those were his own words. Maybe he did not mean them in the context of the abortion issue, but he said them nonetheless.

We need to treat the president as if he were any other person we were trying to convince of the evils of abortion. With love, kindness, and joy. With support for the positive steps he has made for this country. Jesus said “love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”

When is the last time you prayed for President Obama? 

Event Idea: Prayer Service for Human Dignity

One of the things that I have noticed is that there tends to be a lot of division among people as to what special interest groups should get the most attention. Everybody seems to think that their issue is the most important. This can sometimes lead to conflicts between groups and people.
Something that is important is recognizing the gifts that each individual holds and how these skills can be used in different capacities. Everybody has their own passions and this is necessary This contributes to the idea of the seamless garment, that all life issues are of importance and all must be addressed. Cardinal Joseph Bernandin said:

“A consistent ethic does not say everyone in the Church must do all things, but it does say that as individuals and groups pursue one issue, whether it is opposing abortion or capital punishment, the way we oppose one threat should be related to support for a systemic vision of life. It is not necessary or possible for every person to engage in each issue, but it is both possible and necessary for the Church as a whole to cultivate a conscious explicit connection among the several issues. And it is very necessary for preserving a systemic vision that individuals and groups who seek to witness to life at one point of the spectrum of life not be seen as insensitive to or even opposed to other moral claims on the overall spectrum of life.”

Thus it is necessary to live out the Gospel of Life by valuing all people’s contribution to this seamless garment.

Event Idea
Collaborate with different groups on your campus to have a Mass or prayer service focusing on human dignity. This brings people together based on what they have in common instead of differences of opinion. Because who can argue against promoting human dignity?

Ways to Get Groups Involved
  • Invite each group to submit their own prayer intention based on the focus or mission of their club.
  • Invite members of each group to be part of the choir or to play instruments for the music of the service. Make sure you have someone to lead the choir who is in charge of music and arrangement.
  • Have a reception after the event. We had drinks, cannolis, and fruit. This provides a time for the members of the different groups to get to know each other in a casual setting
  • Advertise, advertise, advertise. Ask the groups involved to send out emails to their clubs, print posters, advertise through campus channels.
  • Find a presider for the service and pick the readings.
  • Reserve a space with enough room for the expected attendants
  • Order the food for the reception
Above all, remember this event is about recognizing the value in each person, honoring each of our strengths, and banding together to pray for change in our world. 

-written by Erin Stoyell-Mulholland

January 20, 2013

The Gift of Eliot

We hear "Life is a gift," "Life is precious," "Cherish each day," and think awww, ya that's nice.
 But what does that MEAN??
I don't know. But Eliot and his parents are showing the world. Watch. Be Inspired.

"An underdeveloped lung,
 a heart with a hole in it,
and DNA that placed faulty information into each and every cell of your body,
 could not stop God
from revealing Himself through a child,
who never uttered a word.
 Not a pulpit, not a slick presentation, not a bestselling book - but a six pound boy with Trisomy 18. God found great pleasure to take a lowly thing in the eyes of the world and show truth."


January 19, 2013

Love Speaks Louder

 Consider the difference:

“Whom you would change, you must first love. And they must know that you love them.”
- Martin Luther King Jr.

January 13, 2013

Event Idea: Write from the Heart

My cousin recently became pregnant, and our family showered her and her husband with  excitement and the usual "Congratulations!" We all shared in their joy in creating new life, a life full of possibilities, growth,  and love.

Women in crisis pregnancies deserve the same joy, the same "Congratulations!"  Pro-choice arguments have promoted the idea that certain lives, especially those conceived in crisis situations, are somehow less-than-valuable, less than wanted, less than worthy of celebration.  But the pro-life stance recognizes the indescribable value of each and every life, regardless of the situation into which they are born. This does not mean we don't recognize the hardship and sacrifice many face in becoming pregnant, and it is crucial not to neglect those realities. But it is also crucial not to neglect the reality of joyful celebration - celebration of new life! An entirely new, unique, human being has been created for love. 

The Event
The pro-life movement has a responsibility to remind people that new life is worth celebrating. And what better way than with cards of congratulations?? This event is cheap, easy to organize and set up, and can have a lasting impression on the community.

  • Contact your local care center for women in crisis pregnancies and tell them about your event. Ask if they would be interested in having these cards made for their women
  • Ask if they have any special requests or recommendations for the cards (like what to say, what not to say, etc)
  • Confirm when you will drop off the cards at the care center after the event

The Event
  • Set up tables for a few hours in a location where people can stop by and make a card easily
  • Consider having a poster board or pamphlets about the care center at your table or off to the side
  • Lay out markers, colored paper, etc
  • Make a few example cards to give people ideas
  • Put " To Write" and "Do Not Write" instructions out on the tables, using the suggestions from the care center if possible

Other Suggestions
  • Make posters with encouraging messages like "Support Women," "Cards for Baby Boys/Girls," "Card Writing for Pregnant Women"
  • If in a room, prop the door open and be inviting!
  • Consider having music, candy, etc - anything to draw people in
  • Hand out freebies from your own organization
  • Consider having the pamphlets or other information off to the side so people may be more likely to look at or take them
  • Collect donations for the care center you are supporting
  • Hold this event during a week of Respect Life Week events, and hand out your schedule of other events going on that week
  • Have sign-ups available for people who would like to join your group
  • The week before, write a letter for your parish bulletin or school paper explaining the event and encouraging people to join you

Happy Card-Writing!

January 10, 2013

Event Idea: LifeFest

Boats have them, genres of music have them, Polish people  have them.

Have what? "Fests" aka Festivals. They bring people together through a common interest, passion, or heritage, to celebrate the uniqueness of those things. So why not, a 'fest' for life? Otherwise known as: LIFEFEST.

Don't go thinking Ozzfest plus Babies. LifeFest could be done in a variety of ways to celebrate life, promote a club or organization, and bring people together. But there are basic elements to consider:
  • Advertising: Have posters that convey the feeling of the event - joyful and lighthearted. Make sure you advertise heavily and well in advance.
  • Location: Preferably outside in an area many people will pass by
  • Music: To call attention to your event, set the mood and draw people in
  • Food/drinks: Free or for sale, every 'fest' needs food/drinks
  • Socializing: Set up tables and chairs or have some other way for people to linger and socialize
  • Activities: This is where you can get creative. Games, Inflatables, Competitions, etc - anything to draw attention, have fun, and celebrate life!
  • Information: Set up tables with information, hang posters, pass out pamphlets, fliers, or other freebies celebrating life and with information on how to join you
  • Merchandise: Consider setting up a table with T-shirts or other merchandise to sell. And if possible, have group members at the event wearing said merchandise

This is a great event to have annually or at the beginning of the school year because it is low-pressure to attend, makes a really positive first impression, prompts group socializing, and informs a lot of people of the pro-life message and how they can be involved through your group.

From Our Experience:
Our student club partnered with the Knights of Columbus to provide food, and we found a student DJ to play music for the event. We had someone take pictures of the event to download to our website and Facebook page. At planning meetings, we also had sign-ups for specific duties during the event so that everything ran smoothly. For activities we considered Frisbee, bean bag toss, crafts, stroller races, and dunk tanks, and ended up renting inflatable hamster balls that were wildly successful. Large signs advertising free food also helped draw students in.  For information we created posters about our club, its different activities, and the organizations we work with. We printed information about joining our club on half sheets of brightly colored paper and passed them out to people walking by, making sure to greet them joyfully and invite them to participate in LifeFest :)  

Why This Blog?

To be busy opposing wrong is not the same as being right.
-Mustard Seeds from DynamicCatholic.com

I've been prolife all my life. I've attended silent protests, lectures, diocesan dinners, rosary circles and the March for Life every year since I was 14. I was president of my high school club and last year, I was blessed to be president of the Right to Life club at my university.

That's when things changed.

I wanted to reach out as much as I could, to get every single student on campus involved if I could. But how? I didn't know, so I asked. Through probably hundreds of discussions, my own observation, and Divine Intervention, an answer began to form: joy.

Mother Teresa said, "Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls."

I wanted to catch souls (read: students). And what I saw and heard from too many of them, sadly, was that "pro-life" was equated with angry protesters, antagonistic arguments, forceful presentations of bloody pictures, failure to listen, failure to love.

Anyone who is even half genuinely prolife knows that this is not at all what our movement is about. Yet whether because of biased media coverage, extremists, or simply manipulation of hearts by the Devil himself , this was the impression.

Evangelium Vitae says that "Evangelization is an all-embracing, progressive activity through which the Church participates in the prophetic, priestly and royal mission of the Lord Jesus. It is therefore inextricably linked to preaching, celebration and the service of charity."

It seems to me we had stopped on item #1 - preaching. Charity was a close second, but celebration?

"Because we have been sent into the world as a 'people for life', our proclamation must also become a genuine celebration of the Gospel of life. " [EV 83]

Sounds like JPII was pretty serious about this celebration thing. But that makes sense, because we have so much to celebrate - LIFE! Life, this incredible gift from God, was given to us freely out of love, for love. And as Mother Teresa said, "Joy is love."

Joy is infectious. It softens, it invites, and it strengthens. The Gospel of life is a joyful message, and it should be communicated as such, both in word and action. Want to catch souls? Pull out your net of love - joy. And let the celebration begin. 

Be glad in the Lord and rejoice, you righteous ones;
And shout for joy, all you who are upright in heart. - Psalm 32:11