January 13, 2013

Event Idea: Write from the Heart

My cousin recently became pregnant, and our family showered her and her husband with  excitement and the usual "Congratulations!" We all shared in their joy in creating new life, a life full of possibilities, growth,  and love.

Women in crisis pregnancies deserve the same joy, the same "Congratulations!"  Pro-choice arguments have promoted the idea that certain lives, especially those conceived in crisis situations, are somehow less-than-valuable, less than wanted, less than worthy of celebration.  But the pro-life stance recognizes the indescribable value of each and every life, regardless of the situation into which they are born. This does not mean we don't recognize the hardship and sacrifice many face in becoming pregnant, and it is crucial not to neglect those realities. But it is also crucial not to neglect the reality of joyful celebration - celebration of new life! An entirely new, unique, human being has been created for love. 

The Event
The pro-life movement has a responsibility to remind people that new life is worth celebrating. And what better way than with cards of congratulations?? This event is cheap, easy to organize and set up, and can have a lasting impression on the community.

  • Contact your local care center for women in crisis pregnancies and tell them about your event. Ask if they would be interested in having these cards made for their women
  • Ask if they have any special requests or recommendations for the cards (like what to say, what not to say, etc)
  • Confirm when you will drop off the cards at the care center after the event

The Event
  • Set up tables for a few hours in a location where people can stop by and make a card easily
  • Consider having a poster board or pamphlets about the care center at your table or off to the side
  • Lay out markers, colored paper, etc
  • Make a few example cards to give people ideas
  • Put " To Write" and "Do Not Write" instructions out on the tables, using the suggestions from the care center if possible

Other Suggestions
  • Make posters with encouraging messages like "Support Women," "Cards for Baby Boys/Girls," "Card Writing for Pregnant Women"
  • If in a room, prop the door open and be inviting!
  • Consider having music, candy, etc - anything to draw people in
  • Hand out freebies from your own organization
  • Consider having the pamphlets or other information off to the side so people may be more likely to look at or take them
  • Collect donations for the care center you are supporting
  • Hold this event during a week of Respect Life Week events, and hand out your schedule of other events going on that week
  • Have sign-ups available for people who would like to join your group
  • The week before, write a letter for your parish bulletin or school paper explaining the event and encouraging people to join you

Happy Card-Writing!

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